Thursday, October 3, 2019

You Must Plant in the Spring, and Other Gardening Myths We’ve Debunked


As the traditional growing season comes to an end, you might think you’re done worrying about your plants and flowers until March. Godspeed, they’re on their own now!

But here’s the thing: The idea that you can plant and grow only in the spring and summer is one of several gardening myths those of us whose thumbs aren’t the slightest bit green have fallen for. Don’t worry—we’re here to set the record straight about some of the most common misconceptions when it comes to gardening and landscaping around your home.

Myth No. 1: You have to plant in the spring—or else

Spring is the month of buying plants and getting them in the soil, and if you don’t— well, then you’re stuck waiting another year. Right? Not exactly.

“The ideal time for planting most plants is when they put on new growth as they come out of their dormant season,” explains Kitty Connolly, executive director for the Theodore Payne Foundation for Wildflowers and Native Plants. (This means you’ll need to read the labels and instructions for whatever plants you’re buying—some will need to be planted in the spring, but others prefer summer or fall.)

It’s also important to keep in mind that “spring” is a relative term, and it may not provide the same growing conditions depending on where you live. March in Vermont, after all, is not March in Arizona.

“When you’re planning the plants you intend to grow, remember that the given information is relative to the location and growing conditions,” says Jared Craig, co-founder of Sow Exotic.

Beyond seasonal weather patterns, the ideal time to plant also depends on what you’re planting.

“Some bulbs that flower in the spring need to be planted in fall in order to properly bloom a few months later,” explains Keven Shanks, manager of retail training with ScottsMiracle-Gro. “Other flowers that can be planted in the fall include colorful annuals that bloom during that time, and perennials—which take longer to bloom but survive cooler temperatures.”

Shanks also suggests planting trees and shrubs in the fall since the combination of warm soil and cool air helps roots start to grow before the ground starts to freeze.

Myth No. 2: If a plant is dying, just add more fertilizer

We’ve all been there. A brand-new plant (or an old favorite) starts to look like it’s on the way out to pasture, and you think, “Well, maybe if I just add a little more fertilizer…”

We’ll stop you right there.

“Your plant might be struggling for a number of reasons—it’s not always because of a nutritional deficiency,” Craig explains. Your plants might be dying because they need more water, soil conditions aren’t ideal, or even just because you planted it in a place where the light isn’t quite right.

Adding more fertilizer in this case isn’t going to help anything, and in fact it may just end up harming your plants even more.

“Adding too much fertilizer can be detrimental to the health or recovery of your plant,” Craig says. “An overabundance of it can cause your plant’s roots to shrivel up, preventing them from being able to take up necessary moisture and nutrients.”

If your plants are suffering and you really want to find out why, find a local expert who can help you.

“Photos and samples can be sent to your local county extension office for diagnosis along with a soil test,” says Amy Enfield, consumer horticulturist for ScottsMiracle-Gro.

Myth No. 3: If you live in a cold climate, your plants will need extra sun

“This myth exists for a reason,” Craig says. “In colder areas, the sun’s photosynthetic power to plants is simply reduced—not only because the sun is farther away but also because the processes necessary for the plant to create food and energy for growth is slowed by cooler temperatures.”

But while it’s true that your plants may benefit from a little extra sun, that doesn’t mean they all will.

“Take a little extra time to learn where your new plants are from, their native growing conditions, and what conditions they need to thrive,” Craig suggests.

Myth No. 4: Holes on leaves mean your plants are unhealthy

Although having a garden full of half-eaten plants wasn’t part of your original plans, it also doesn’t necessarily mean a secret swarm of locusts is out to get you—or that your garden is about to die.

“A healthy garden is a habitat that not only people enjoy, but also one that sustains wildlife,” says Isara Ongwiseth, lead designer for FormLA Landscaping.

That being said, it’s entirely possible that the local deer, rabbit, or insect population is enjoying a snack in your garden every now and again—to the detriment of your plants.

If the holes persist and you’re becoming worried, try using a guide like this one to pin down which pest you’re dealing with, Ongwiseth suggests. That way you can narrow down your plan of attack without overdoing it.

The post You Must Plant in the Spring, and Other Gardening Myths We’ve Debunked appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights |®.

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